Your Redwell infrared heater
as central heating

10 good reasons:

An infrared heater is the ideal central heating

Homebuilders and people, who want to renovate, are confronted with a lot of challenging decisions. For example there are many different options of heating systems for a new or a long-standing building. Because of the several advantages the legal conditions in Austria have been changed in order to insert a infrared heating as the main heating.
We have ten good reasons for you, which may help you to decide, if you want to purchase a infrared heating.

The 10 advantages

of an infrared heating system as central heating

  1. Power efficiency
    Using heat from sustainable energy in times of high fossil fuel prices is arguably the most important reason for using infrared heating as central heating.
  2. No maintenance or service costs with low initial cost
    There are no extra charges for maintenance and service. An additional benefit are the low asset costs compared to a heat pump or something similar. Therefore is the infrared warmth a cost-efficient way to heat.
  3. Saving of space
    No fuel storage room is needed. Only a warm water preparation is necessary. Conclusion: more room for you and your family
  4. Easy installation
    Basically, a power outlet is enough to feel secure in a cozy, warm home. Much more is not necessary for an infrared heater as central heating. Of course, a subsequent conversion is possible, for example, if you make a removal or a renovation.
  5. Decorative additional functions
    Redwell infrared heaters are practical and decorative. Finally, they can be used differently in every room, whether as a towel dryer in the bathroom, as decorative pictures or glasses in the living area, as a writable blackboard or large mirror in the hallway. So it lives stylish and warm.
  6. Individual control
    With infrared central heating, each room can be individually tempered and adapted to your needs. This way, you can effortlessly achieve well-being temperatures in every room.
  7. Integration in Smart Home System
    The control of your infrared heater can be easily integrated into a smart home system – for even more convenient use.
  8. Environmental safety
    We calm on renewable energies. Your contribution to CO²-neutral and fine dust-free heating can be achieved with a Redwell infrared heater.
  9. Allergy-friendly
    Infrared heating prevents air circulation, such as at convection heating. This ensures a pleasant warmth and a particularly gentle heating for allergy sufferers.
  10. Quality made in Austria
    All Redwell infrared heaters are Austrian quality products and have a 10-years warranty. This is just as much as our non-binding advice to our customer service.

Infrared central heating:

Advice and offers

If the decision has already been made or you would like more information on infrared heaters, we would be happy to advise you free of charge. Subsequently, our Redwell dealers will tailor an individual offer for you!

Make an appointment now.

Arrange an appointment with your local dealer
uncomplicated and fast or request a non-binding offer.

Redwell Store Portugal
R. Prof. Abílio Alves de Brito, 50
2410-201 Leiria

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Seg-Quinta: 09:00 - 18h00 
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